Texas: Walker County: Huntsville: I am so grateful and proud to be a Texas REALTOR
Sun. February 6, 2011 at 11:53 AM
Texas: Walker County: Huntsville: I am so grateful and proud to be a Texas REALTOR
Life is cool. Life is what happens while we are waiting for the perfect time to do what we have always wanted to do.
I am the happiest girl in the world.
I get to wake up (Ooops, wrong "Smiley" Cued up---here it is!) every day
and do what I have wanted to do since I was 9 years old, be a Realtor.
I LOVE being a Realtor. I love the way every day is different, I love interacting with people, I love helping people find solutions, I love that I am paid much better than I was paid as a teacher, or anything else I have done "for a living."
I Love that I control my destiny.
I Love that attitude truly impacts my "altitude."
I love that I must continually learn about new changes, regulations, issues.
I love that I can learn from every transaction, relationship, mistake, success, training, deadline, showing and more-- in this business.
I love that I can control my attitude by understanding "Garbage In -- Garbage Out."
I Love that I can establish and re-establish my attitude on a daily basis.
I love that I have been so busy I can barely breathe at times.
I Love that I came into this business in the middle of August 2008 when the economy was tanking. I knew that regardless of whatever, I wanted to be Realtor and this was my chance to do it.
I do not particularly Love that the first closing I had was the day that Hurricane Ike came roaring in, and that very home was split in two by a tree several hours after the closing. I do love, however, that by the grace of God and help of co-workers, I verified the insurance for my clients and requested that the insurance rider be faxed to me for my records the week before closing.
I Love being in a position to be able to live and prosper by setting positive thoughts into motion and backing them up with tireless effort that is actually rejuvenating.
I Love that I can work on my "fainting couch" in my office."
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Posted By: Mari Montgomery
Texas : Walker County : Huntsville Real Estate : Relocate to Huntsville TX
Sun. December 26, 2010 at 11:54 PM
Texas : Walker County : Huntsville Real Estate : Home Values Trend : Relocate to Huntsville TX
Texas is consistently in the top "moving destinations." Atlas Van Lines
Check out this Migration Report --Notice TEXAS is Blue on the map. (Just a color -- No Political implications) The Blue states have had and continue to have the most influx of people.
Texas ROCKS !!
As a result of the migration shown in the statistics above, and the relative stability of the economy and job market in TX, the Huntsville / Conroe / Lake Conroe area, sales have been steady and values have been stable.
Sometimes a picture paints a thousand words The graph below (WAY below) clearly shows strong performance for Huntsville / Walker County and Conroe / NW and NE Montgomery County TX.
And speaking of a picture painting a thousand words, picture this: living in the Forest AND "waterfront"
So, Why Huntsville???
We've got it...
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Posted By: Mari Montgomery
Texas : Montgomery County : Conroe : Introducing the "Texas Real Estate Lawman!"
Wed. December 22, 2010 at 05:07 AM
Texas : Montgomery County : Conroe : Introducing the "Texas Real Estate Lawman !"
There is a New Sheriff in Town, Lawman to be exact. He's the "Texas Real Estate Lawman" and he and his posse at Texas Homeland Title are ready to earn your business in greater Montgomery County TX.
If you have questions about Real Estate Law, title issues, tune in to his blog and FaceBook Page
(posted with permission)
You can visit his blog at http://activerain.com/blogs/texhomeland (free legal advice--Are you kidding??)
You see, he doesn't carry a gun, but he will "shoot holes" in bad "title work."
"Texas Homeland Title" is the name............"Hassle free closings" are their game.
Horse parking available.
Mari Montgomery
Broker Associate, Realtor®, CRS®, GRI®
#1 TOP PRODUCING AGENT--Keller Williams Conroe/Lake Conroe/ Huntsville
Readers Choice "Best Realtor" in Walker County,2009
Recipient "Best in the Business 2010"
284 Interstate 45 S...
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Posted By: Mari Montgomery
Texas : Walker County : Huntsville: Another Beautiful Elkins Lake Sunset
Wed. December 22, 2010 at 01:15 AM
Another Beautiful Sunset in Elkins Lake!
You know, I love my Keller Williams Office Spaces in Huntsville and Conroe, but there's something about working from my home office every now and then. Home-Made Coffee,
tea with fresh herbs from my herb garden. YUMMM...
And the Elkins Lake Sunsets from our porches--they sure are Pretty!
Pretty Relaxing too! Now, don't get me wrong, I am not relaxed all that often. But a few days from Christmas, taking time to "decompress" a little is a GOOD thing!
And how could this view NOT have a somewhat sedating effect?!
SO, Trying to NOT lose your mind in all of the Holiday Hustle Bustle????
Here's a "Self Diagnostic" to see just how you are doing with that endeavor.
1. Have you taken time to appreciate beauty today?
2. Have you stopped for JUST One (1) minute to breathe deeply---taking a LOW breath and exhaling through your mouth SLOWLY. (THIS Works!---just did it, again)
3. You,ve heard all of your life, probably, to take...
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Posted By: Mari Montgomery
TEXAS: Walker County: Huntsville: A New Superintendent for Huntsville ISD
Sun. December 19, 2010 at 03:34 AM
A NEW Superintendent for Huntsville ISD......or at least an Interim Superintendent,
Huntsville ISD,You have SCORED Big!
Dr. Steve Johnson has been named Interim Superintendent for Huntsville TX Independent School District. He has experience, he's brilliant, he's a gentleman, his wife is precious and
Dr an Mrs Johnson are clients....
How about that! Steve and Mary Ellen Johnson started their search..well before they moved. You see,
they didn't HAVE to move to Huntsville TX, they WANTED to move to Huntsville TX!
Just like me and my husband! I had decided to take a job as a "Choral Director" in another city. Then, out of the blue, I got a call to interview in Huntsville. We came to Huntsville we drove into Elkins Lake-
--We fell in LOVE with Huntsville.
Steve and Mary Ellen Johnson did too. They are fun to be around.
They are lovely people. They are great citizens, hard workers, family oriented and lovers of life. I am SO happpy for them, and even happier for Huntsville....
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Posted By: Mari Montgomery
Power of Gratitude--Is it Bull Hockey, Real or Like "Hockey the Sport"-- Irrelevant?? What do you think?
Fri. December 17, 2010 at 06:03 AM
Power of Gratitude--Is it Bull Hockey, Real or like "Hockey the sport" -- irrelevant?? What do you think? This is all about you....My Clients. Above All, YOU are who the reason that I do what I do. (Here are Just a few of my FABULOUS Clients)
Danke schön! to my associates. They are always there to help when needed.Merci beaucoup to Google ! I looked up topics like the best cell phone for Realtors even before I was licensed so that I would be ready to rock. I use Google EVERY Day.I have heard that "gratitude" is the most powerful sentiment, even more powerful than love. I believe it, because without gratitude, no love can exist, because love cannot be recognized without gratitude. So--Power of Gratitude--Is it Bull Hockey, Real or like Hockey the sport--irrelevant?? In other words...Fact or Crap?? What do you think?Here's my 2 cents: 1st Penny: having good friends, watching the Dallas Mavs and blogging, a fire in the fireplace, a husband...
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Posted By: Mari Montgomery
Eight People in the Butler's Pantry
Fri. December 17, 2010 at 05:55 AM
Eight People in the Butler's Pantry
What I Love About Being a Realtor A surprise by its very definition is unexpected. And often, the unexpected joys in life are the ones that keep us doing what we do.
I have had the pleasure of helping numerous families find home. And, among those families, a couple of pretty large families. Families with 5 children (yes, each) to find a home they all love.
What I didn't expect was to find the joy of connecting with the children that I have missed so much since leaving the teaching/Choral Director profession. I taught voice and choirs for 25 years. And with a very special young lady from, I had the opportunity to teach a voice lesson beside a picturesque pond on a beautiful property that will welcome a family ready to fill the house with new memories.You see, when I left teaching, I didn't know how much I would miss my kids. And as I listened to a lovely young voice belonging to the oldest girl, I was...
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Posted By: Mari Montgomery
Life's Ironies, On the Highway...Straight to YOUR Neighborhood!
Thu. December 16, 2010 at 05:00 AM
So, there it was in all of its splendor-----a truck, a "semi" to be exact---- "Going Green" along Interstate 45.
Driving to my office the other day, I witnessed one of the many available visual ironies
A semi -- hauling-----you guessed it----yet another trailer ("pups" as they are called) with the logo "Go Green!"
Kind of made me think of several things, besides the obvious irony.
For one, the House Hunters episode (I love that show) that was about a woman in Oregon looking to live in a Green Commune.
The concept is smaller living areas with the basics and a large main house where communal dinners are shared, and fresh organic vegetables from the communal garden are used.
Cool concept. In this country, we have SO much. America, the land of plenty and---- plenty of "waste."
So, in this "Green Commune," the neighbors mingled and talked with one another. There were lots of smiles.
People without kids enjoyed other...
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Posted By: Mari Montgomery